• Reviews around boss (1.61 of 5)

    The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap

    • The small frustration I had with the game is that the final boss is hard
    • Coming straight from a Link to the Past, the first thing you will notice is that the bosses are much harder to defeat
    • While the bosses aren't hard (If you're okay at the game and know what to watch for, all of them except for the final boss are a snap!), all of them are SO much fun!
    • Fewer levels, simpler puzzles, and easy bosses reign supreme.
    • The bosses are tough the first time around, but if you can figure out their patterns, you might emerge victorious
    • As in, possibly the hardest boss in Zelda history
    • Now, the puzzles get a lot heavier during these areas, as you'll not only have to use certain weapons and abilities to figure out how to progress through these areas, but also have to figure out exactly how to beat each boss and exploit their cleverly disguised weaknesses
    • For instance, the final boss while not being super hard, is kind of frustrating due to the fact you face him 3 times, each one with several phases
    • Like everyone else, if I had any gripes, it would be that the final boss has to be the hardest Zelda boss in history