• Reviews around bar (3.61 of 5)

    weBoost Drive X (475021) Vehicle Cell Phone Signal Booster | Car, Truck, Van, or SUV | U.S. Company | All U.S. Carriers - Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint & More | FCC Approved

    • It took a flickering one-two bar signal to a solid three bars
    • Those bars Remain well past the normal fading zone
    • This isn't a magical device that creates something out of nothing, but he says it sure beats struggling with a dreaded one-bar situation where you have to precariously position yourself in some bizarre spot at a weird angle just to make phone calls in remote areas
    • Many times, he'll have one bar - not enough to make phone calls, but possibly text
    • Plugged in as per instructions and watched the red/green light turn solid green with solid three bars on my phone.
    • I keep checking to see if I can get those magical four bars again, but to no avail
    • This product did not work on Verizon or ATT in our area; our 1-2 bars of LTE did not change :(
    • They use a dB (decibel) scale, where -50 dB would be an excellent signal (shows full bars